My kid is 3 years old and he does not speak, or pronounces a very few words -who should I contact and why

Although each child develops in its own way, as a rule, at the age of 3-4 years, we should notice clear sound, coherent speech, and an ability to make comments and ask questions.

The primary parent should contact an otolaryngologist to find out the condition of the child’s hearing ability. If medical examinations conducted by otolaryngologist exclude the presence of any physiological problem, then the next step would be to visit a speech therapist. Thereafter, after competent analysis of specialists in the relevant field, corrective means for the development of speech and communication are required.

According to speech therapists, speech has one of the most complex and important functions for the person. It is closely related to thinking, social communication, and mental functioning, thus any difficulties arising in any of those areas, may lead to difficulties in the speech development. Healthy functioning of the peripheral system of speech reproduction; i.e., the articulatory apparatus, as well as the respiratory system are extremely important. Hence, You need to be cautious and pay attention to any problems that might arise, to be able to solve them on time.

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